Mendocino LAFCo Meetings and Agendas - Link to all meetings and agenda for the upcoming year 2025 for Mendocino LAFCO. They meet the first Monday of the month at 9:00 AM in the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors Chambers (501 Low Gap Rd, Ukiah, CA 95482).

Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) General Plans, and Annexations - Reviews the process of annexation by a government entity, such as cities.

  • Page 23 includes a flowchat of the annexation process by which government entities must abide by.

City of Ukiah 2040 General Plan - The 2040 General Plan is the long-range plan that guides decision-making and establishes rules and standards for new development and city improvements. It reflects the community's vision for the future and is intended to provide direction through the year 2040.

  • Land Use Element - Outlines the land uses defining the type of development planned to occur throughout the city through the planning horizon year of 2040. Pages 13 and 20 outline the expected annexation areas intended to be annexed by the City of Ukiah over the next few years.

Ukiah Area of Interest Map - The City has identified the tan coloring “Sphere of Influence” as its planned area for the next annexation project, which would nearly triple the size of the city limits.

Ukiah Valley Area Plan - Outlines the long range planning of the future vision for the people who live and work inside the Ukiah Valley. This Plan is an element of the Mendocino County General Plan governing land use and development on the unincorporated lands in the Ukiah Valley.